Actueel weer
Zondag 30 september
Do 1 okt 33°regenachtig
Za 2 okt 33°regenachtig
Zo 3 okt 33°regenachtig
Actuele waterstand
Zondag 30 september
WeersvoorspellingPeak flow level (cm)
Minimum 660
Mean 663
Maximum 666
Table of contents
Bulletin 5 | 11 September 2024

Bulletin 5 | 11 September 2024

The water level in Mopti has increased to 650 cm on the 9th of September. OPIDIN predicts that the maximum of the flood will be higher than in recent years with extremely high flood. It must be reckoned that the maximum flood will be higher than it has been since time immemorial.

The water level in Mopti has increased with 23 cm last week and reached a level of 650 cm on 9 September. There is only one year (1929) since the measurements started in Mopti (1922) that the water level has been higher that this level on this date. 1929 was also the year when flood level reached the highest peak level ever measured in Mopti (757 cm).  The water level reached on 9 September is this year already 27 - 52 cm higher than in three recent years with extremely high flood levels (2018, 2020 and 2022).

OPIDIN predicts that the maximum of the flood will be still higher than in 2018, 2020 and 2022 (670 - 675 cm in Mopti). It must be reckoned that the maximum flood height will be as high as has not been seen since time immemorial.