This is the last OPIDIN bulletin of the flooding season 2024. The flood at Mopti has reached its highest level (716 cm) on 8 November. In the southern part of the delta the water level has started to decline, but further downstream the water still goes up. OPIDIN predicts that the flood will reach its peak between 11 and 15 December in Akka and at the end of this year in Diré.
In the recent past, cows were often allowed to cross the river at Diafarabé during the course of November. As in recent years with a high flood (2018, 2020, 2022) that will not be possible this year, since in November the floodplains are still covered by water. In 2024, the floodplains in the southwestern part of the Inner Niger Delta are expected to become available for grazing in the second half of December.
The peak of the flood in Mopti in 2024 was exceptionally high, even higher 41-46 cm higher than the maximum in recent years with a high flood (2018, 2020, 2022). The last year with a comparable high flood was in 1967, 57 years ago. In the 1950s and 1960s there were several extreme high floods as this year.