Over the past week the water level in Mopti increased with 8 cm, reaching a level of 682 cm on 2 October. The water level is already 20 - 40 cm higher on this date than in three recent years with very high flood levels (2018, 2020 and 2022). The daily rise in the water level is now clearly decreasing and levelling off. OPIDIN predicts that the maximum of the flood will be markedly higher than in 2018, 2020 and 2022 (670 - 675 cm in Mopti). However, since water levels upstream in the Niger River are now stabilising the maximum flood height may not be as high as predicted, and be below or around 700 cm.
The peak of the flood is expected to be reached well after mid-October, and the flood will probably be at its maximum in Akka around the first weeks of December. Based on the current prediction, the south-western part of the Inner Niger Delta may become available for grazing cattle around half December.